Site Preparation

A solid foundation will ensure that you can enjoy your structure for years to come. There are a lot of things to consider when deciding on the best type of foundation that will work best for your structure and the location that you will be placing it. Consider the information below to help you decide the best foundation for your structure. Measurements and structure specific information can be found on each products page. The below information are recommendations. Please consider consulting a local contractor for assistance in creating the perfect foundation for your Gazebo, Pergola, or Pavilion.


Each locality is different and has their own set of rules for free standing structures. Some require a permit for any new addition with a concrete foundation. Others may require permitting for anything over a certain square footage. We recommend that you look into your local permitting rules prior to purchasing.


We cannot provide structural engineering for our In-A-Box products. If your locality requires Stamped Engineered drawings because of high wind or snow loads, we recommend viewing our custom structures where we are able to provide this for your specific area.

Crushed Stone

If you are purchasing a Gazebo with a floor, a crushed stone foundation with paver blocks could be the right foundation for you. Like a shed foundation, the crushed stone provides proper drainage and ventilation for the gazebo. Site Preparation information for Gazebos can be found on their product page.

Concrete Pad and footers

Concrete Pads and Footers are great for our Pergolas, Pavilions and Gazebos without floors. Recommendations for these can be found on each product page. For footers it is very important that you know the frostline for your area to ensure you are pouring at the correct depth.


When choosing a location it is important to understand how your yard and patio area drains after it rains. Your structure should be located in an area where rain water doesn't sit and flows away from your structure. Amish Country Gazebos 10 Year Limited Warranty does not cover damage from structures exposed to prolonged contact of water.